Duel to build the best kingdom in Catan

Rivals for CATAN

Duel to build the best kingdom in Catan

  • 2 Players
  • 10+
  • 60 min
  • The CATAN experience for 2 players

  • Expand your principality and make it prosper

  • Three scenarios for a variety of new experiences

Rivals for CATAN

Find a storeMallAlza


Build your principality by managing resources and your citizens

Develop your influence within a shared island

Expand your settlements and cities, recruit heroes, and defend your lands through politics, invention, and intrigue.

Make the right decisions

Immerse yourself in the bustling life on Catan. Lead your principality to decide the fate of your fellow Catanians.

Manage your resources to expand your territories

Construct new buildings and roads, hire heroes to enforce your influence, and defend your territories on the island of Catan

A two-player experience filled with depth and strategy

  • Rivals for CATAN is a must play for fans

    New York Magazine expert, Amdisen

  • I love this game. A fun, two player game, with a good amount of depth and complexity

    Amazon Customer Review

  • Very deep, multiple ways to victory, great themes, drama, strategy, tactics. I like it very very much

    BGG Customer Review

  • Marvelous two player card game, simple to get into with lots of depth and really cool interactions

    BGG Customer Review

  • I like this game better than my boyfriend, and I’m not even the one who usually wins

    Amazon Customer Review

  • My husband and I LOVE this game. Well-balanced and the expansions offer a lot of variety

    BGG Customer Review

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How to play

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Rivals for CATAN

  • 2 Players
  • 10+
  • 60 min

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More to discover

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  • 2 hráči
  • 10+
  • 30 min
  • Hra 7 divů světa pro 2 hráče

  • Ať vaše starověká civilizace vzkvétá

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